Sunday, August 3, 2014

Wedding Day Keepsakes-Thanks Dad!

My dad is also crafty when he wants to be.  For my wedding I asked him to make me a card box.  Because I'm addicted to pinterest, I found different things that acted as the card box, but were not cardboard boxes decorated to look nice.  I had originally wanted a log hollowed out with our initials carved into the side (since this is how Mr. K proposed to me) but I ended up splitting all the logs, so that wasn't going to work.
 My next idea was to do barrel and then turn it into a table stand when finished with it.  I didn't think I would be able to find a barrel for cheap, so I scratched that idea. 

Finally I found a picture frame box that I liked on Pinterest, so I told my dad that I wanted to do this for my card box.  I bought the frames at the dollar store, and then printed out 4 18x11 pictures at Wal-mart of where Mr. K proposed to me.  I put the picture in the frames and gave them to my dad and told him that I wanted him to make a cube out of the frames to hold my cards in.

He did a FANTASTIC job and I couldn't have been more happy with the results.  My mom put it on a lazy Susan turner for the wedding so that   the guests could turn it to look at all the picture.
My sister in law took this picture the day of the wedding and it is better then mine.  Check out her blog: Inspiration in Creation

Also, my dad build it around a cardboard box so that it wouldn't open unless we cut the bottom out. 

Because my dad is so awesome, he also found a barrel for really cheap at an estate sale and varnished it for me to use as a card holder and I got to choose what I wanted.
I ended up bringing both to my wedding and used this to put flowers and decorations on.  i hope to still turn it into a table or something one day but for right now, it is just sitting in out basement as decoration.

My dad also made shoe stoppers for my heels for the day of my wedding.  I got married outside on a golf course and I was afraid that my shoes would sink in the grass when I was walking down the aisle.  I found on pinterest a picture of the heel stoppers that are supposed to stop you from sinking in the grass.  I had never seen these before, and when I clicked on the link of pinterest, it was just a picture and not a store link.  I looked around at different shoe stores and the people working at them either had not idea what I was talking about, or hold me they didn't carry them.  I told my dad about it and he made me them for the bottom of my shoes.  They worked perfectly, and I didn't sink in the grass.  I was very excited about these and I tested them out a few weeks before the wedding to make sure they would work.  When they did, my mom wanted a pair for her shoes, so my dad made her a pair too.  Mine were ivory because that was the color of my dress, my mom's were metalic silver, because that was the color of her shoes. 

I don't know how he made them but it didn't take long at all.  Leave a comment and I can see what I can do if you are interested in these.

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